Connect Sculptures

The route

For Connect, Léo Valls and Brice Fauquet (artistic director at Côte Ouest), designed a new series of skateable sculptures that make up a skatable route across Bordeaux. These works are dedicated to skaters, and an appeal to creativity. Under the theme of connection, they carry a message of peace, understanding, and are installed at emblematic spots in Bordeaux, with the support of the City. This route is, in a way, the face of the festival. It was made with 3D concrete printing and designed to be skated, but not only…!

In addition to offering new skateable elements on classic spots, its objective is to promote the practice of skateboarding in the city to different audiences. By communicating on the artistic, urban and cultural dimension of skateboarding, these sculptures act as mediators to aid in optimizing sharing public space. It's up to you to interpret them as you wish, on a skateboard or otherwise.

The sculptures


Sculpture : 1 elementPlace : Cours du Chapeau RougeDimensions : 268 x130cmMaterial : 3D printed concrete


Sculpture : 1 elementPlace : Parvis des frères PouyanneDimensions : 360 x180cmMaterial : 3D printed concrete


Sculpture : 3 elementsPlace : Miroir d’eauDimensions : 900 x160cm Material : 3D printed concrete

Contact X Connect

Sculpture : 3 elementsPlace : Salle des fêtes du Grand ParcDimensions : 640x130cmMaterial : 3D printed concrete

The previous skateable sculpture projects in Bordeaux






Bon voyage


Play !

© Photos - Corentin Le Berre, Grégoire Grange, David Manaud